In the town of Xoco, the spirit of an old villager awakens in search of its lost home. Along its journey, the ghost discovers that the town still celebrates its most important festivities, but also learns that the construction of a new commercial complex called Mítikah will threaten the existence of both the traditions and the town itself.
Genre: Documentary, Fantasy
Stars: Alfonso Estrada
Crew: Patricio Escartín (Director), Patricio Escartín (Producer), Patricio Escartín (Screenplay), Patricio Escartín (Post Producer), Berenice Moreno (Director of Photography), Berenice Moreno (Colorist)
Country: Mexico
Language: Español
Studio: UNAM, Escuela Nacional de Artes Cinematográficas (ENAC)
Runtime: 12 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: May 17, 2024
IMDb: 10