American Dragon is a coming of age comedy-action series about Jake Long, a 13-year-old Asian-American boy who strives to find balance in his life as a skateboard-grinding, New York 'tween while learning to master his mystical powers (in his secret identity) as the American Dragon, the protector and guardian of all magical creatures secretly living amidst the human world.
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Action & Adventure, Family, Kids
Stars: Dante Basco, Keone Young, John DiMaggio, kittie KaBoom, Charlie Finn, Mae Whitman
Crew: Sun Jae Lee, Jill Daniels, José Zelaya
Country: US
Studio: Disney Channel
Runtime: 22:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Jan 21, 2005
Last air date: Sep 01, 2007
Episode: 55 Episode
Season: 2 Season
IMDb: 3.3
Keywords:curious, calm, thoughtful, unassuming, playful, lighthearted, provocative, dramatic, suspenseful, witty, romantic, whimsical, assertive, bold, cheerful, earnest, enthusiastic, excited, hopeful, joyful, optimistic, powerful, sincere, straightforward, vibrant