In this unique and riveting film, a troubled man has a series of dreams in which he finds himself thrown back to a time before his birth, into the Angolan Border War, as a combat soldier. There he meets his father as a young man, when he was a member of the Special Forces. As they go through combat together, the son gets to know his father in a way he never has, giving him insight and compassion, and he is able to let go of lifelong feelings of abandonment, resentment and anger. This leads to forgiveness and a real-life reconciliation, which drives home the underlying message of this film restoring the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers.
Stars: Stian Bam, Edwin van der Walt, Erica Wessels, Fumani Shilubana
Crew: Tom Marais (Director of Photography), Benjamin Willem (Music), Craig Gardner (Director), Myron Lee Nash (Executive Producer), Peter Lamberti (Producer)
Country: South Africa
Language: Afrikaans, English
Studio: Sterkinekor Entertainment
Runtime: 103 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Aug 05, 2016
IMDb: 4
Keywords:dreams, reconciliation