A boy living in Wakayama Prefecture accidentally comes into possession of an Adélie penguin egg and successfully hatches it. However, wanting to return the penguin to its natural habitat, he embarks on a journey to Antarctica. Along the way, in Central and South America, he faces hardships, such as being robbed by impoverished local children. The story is framed as the recollections of Ryota Ichikawa, now an adult, reflecting on his boyhood.
Stars: Kisuke Yamashita, Shino Ikenami, Keisuke Yaosaka, Kazumi Harada, Amanda Schull, Mariko Kaga
Crew: Toshio Okabe (Screenplay), Yuki Masumoto (Screenplay), Hiroshi Kinoshita (Assistant Director), Takashi Nagata (Director), Takashi Nagata (Screenplay)
Language: 日本語
Runtime: 119 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jul 27, 1991
IMDb: 10